Title | Author | Length | Description |
Tumbleweed | IMA/OUIMA | 9:49 | A hilarious send up of the western movie genre. Be sure and stick around for the trailer about the promised blockbuster, Tumbleweed Too! |
Life's a Dream | Ivnat | 3:50 | Mixed media music video. Dark moody. Spanish captions. |
The Awakening | JABhacksoul | 11:55 | Where am I? What am I? Why am I? The ending reveals all. |
Jimmy Toon Trek | Janice Toner | 2:12 | Clever mixed media romp. Cute and funny. |
Z Factor Audition | Janice Toner | 1:27 | Good fun with Muvizu. |
Coldplay - Fix You | java192 | 4:57 | Music video with nice ending. |
The Doctor's Wife | jgesq | 6:06 | A first rate, beautifully told tale by Julian Grant in which a doctor struggles to save his beloved. Excellent visuals. |
The Watchmaker's Apprentice | jgesq | 5:23 | Another first rate effort by Julian Grant. |
Shootout | Job van Zuijlen | 3:48 | The town wasn't big enough for both of them, but the showdown took a surprising turn. Made with Iclone. |
New Born | Johnny Striker | 40:36 | Visually pleasing and well executed. In French (no subtitles). |
Improbable Histories | jshoot | 11:19 | The origin story of Jack Savage. Rooted in native American myth and legend. |
The Death and Life of Jack Savage | jshoot | 3:33 | A native American hero is transformed into a super hero. |
Martyr | KeithLawrence | 4:22 | Based on a true story. made with moviestorm. |
Suppressed Rage | KeithLawrence | 2:33 | A metaphor, made manifest, with moviestorm. |
NO TITLE | Keoma | 7:23 | A surrealistic tour de force. |
Shadows of the West | Ben Tuttle | 22:05 | A master work, watch it on youtube. |
Everyone Needs Love | Kinggmoney225 | 3:45 | A Love Story, short, sweet, heartwarming. |
Max Poser | Kopros | 8:55 | A hilarious send up of the hard boiled detective genre. The voiceover narration is great. |